Data and Analytics

Data is an important tool that helps companies understand user behaviour and take decisions accordingly. Companies need to understand which data is important, how to collect, organize data and store it within legal boundaries safely, securely and with safeguards to protect data from being lost or hacked.

Raw data itself may not be useful and hence it is processed with the help of programming languages like Python and R to provide useful statistics. If the business wants to do analysis without the need for data engineers, dashboards built on top of platforms like Tableau and PowerBI are flexible and powerful.

Did you know?

Data collection needs to be setup according to the legal restrictions of the country/state, while also being robust to not be lost due to a bug or a crash and also be secure from data theft or hacking. This raw data can be analyzed by data engineers using programming languages like Python and R programming language or it can be understood by the business directly if PowerBI or tableau dashboards are built.

Advantages of data collection and insights

  • It helps the company store data and keep backups to recover from in case of crash, hack or any vulnerability
  • Properly designed data solution helps company keep data private and safe from hackers or leaking internally
  • It helps companies analyze the market trends, consumer sentiment and buyer preferences
  • It helps in testing variations of products and deciding which one is more suitable
  • It helps monitor activities and detect irregularities early on
  • It helps in predicting future trends with the help of AI
  • It helps in decision making by making your company a data-driven company 

Data and Analytics services We Offer

Data Collection and Storage

In this service, we identify the sources from where data can be collected and deciding which data is valuable. This data is then stored securely complying with the relevant standards. The data storage mechanism is designed to be robust to handle the read/write loads with backup solutions in place.

Microsoft PowerBI

PowerBI is a leading data prep and analytics platform provided by Microsoft. It offers an easy to use UI and integrates with other Microsoft products and it can handle most structured and semi-structured data to run analysis on.


Tableau is one of the most popular data analytics platform and was acquired by Salesforce. It is very powerful in terms of building dashboards with interactive elements that the user can click to get deeper understanding. It works with a wide variety of data types.