Software Testing Services

Software testing is a crucial part of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Every software developed need to be tested for the features added as well as regressional testing to see if the existing features are not affected, if there are not any bugs, crashes or data corruption issues.

All of the above is functional testing and along with functional testing, there also needs to be UI testing, security testing, performance testing and many more. Software automation can be written run all the cases to fetch the test results automatically.

Did you know?

A thorough software testing can help you uncover any bugs or missing features, check if it does not load the server too much, helps you verify whether no other data is accidentally being re-written or there are no cases where duplicate data arises, and also helps you test if there are no chances of hacking.

Advantages of Software Testing

  • It is a standard part of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • It helps check whether the newly created functionality works in all realtime cases
  • It helps determine the speed of code execution and the load taken by the server
  • It verifies whether other data is not being corrupted.
  • It can help check whether the functionality works properly and looks correctly on all devices
  • It helps check whether the code is secure from hackers and other prying eyes
  • It can be automated to test all possible scenarios through scripts and see which test cases fail

Software Testing Services We Offer

Functional Testing

Functional testing is where the newly built software is run in a variety of test cases to see if the data is being sent to and forth from databases correctly, no other data is modified and whether the data is displayed on the User Interface (UI) correctly.

Performance Testing

Performance testing is where the newly built software is executed in a simulated environment to see how much time it consumes to run the process and the load it incurs on the server CPU and memory and verify if it is within limit.

Security Testing

Security testing is where the newly built software is force-fed data through various techniques that are commonly used by hackers and bad actors. This checks whether the data being transmitted is secure and free from breaches.

Digital Integration

Testing automation is a piece of code or script that is prepared so that any new built software will be run in all kinds of test cases via the script to see if the outcome is as intended. This helps you to test multiple functionality automatically.