Supply Chain and Logistics Services

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Companies these days are looking to expand their supply chain to a global footprint. Procurement of items from another country is still complicated involving a lot of factors from finding the right suppliers, getting shipping quotes, paying customs, duties and other taxes, filing paperwork with autorities, freight insurance, booking warehouses and lots more.

If you are looking for a one-time import/export, we can take care of the end to end process from booking the item to paying taxes to delivery. If you are looking to build a system of regular imports, we can help you source from suppliers, book warehouses, manage demand and supply and help in logistics management.

Did you know?

Importing a single item is different from establishing a supply chain. For a single item, only the transportation needs to be handled whereas for regular imports, items produced have to be stocked in a warehouse at source and bulk transportation has to be arranged for commodities and when the items arrive at destination, all of the items have to be unloaded into a second facility from where the distribution can take place.

Advantages of engaging a SCM partner

  • It helps companies source items from the best quality or value provider across the globe
  • It helps companies leverage economies of scale and bring the manufacturing costs down
  • It helps companies scale up and scale out rapidly and efficiently
  • It helps companies reduce money spent in maintaining excess inentory or money lost when they run out
  • It helps companies procure items that are difficult to be procured from their own country
  • It helps reduce risk of items getting stuck due to incorrect paperwork or other issues
  • It helps companies acquire items in the shortest possible time

Supply Chain Management services We Offer

One time or small batch purchase

If you want to get an item shipped cross-border, we can take care of end to end process including finding the right shipment provider, packaging, filing paper work, taking care of customs, transfer from one shipping service to another in destination country and more to ensure a hassle-free delivery.


Building Supply chain

If you want to import items from a manufacturer in another country, we can help you collect batches of items and store them at source, arrange bulk shipping to destination and provide logistics tracking along with inventory management to help you maintain your supply chain effectively.